

Ayala, César J. 2018. Behind Puerto Rico's Debt Problem, Corporations that Drain Profits from the Island (CADTM) | Click here for local PDF.

Bernabe, Rafael, El regimen de los acreedores y la crisis de la deuda: aspectos del contexto general y el caso de Puerto Rico (2014-2016). Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico Rev. 85, Núm 3, June 13, 2016. 

Bernabe, Rafael. 2016. The End of an Era: From Dependence to Self-Propelled Development, Caribbean Business, Sep. 2, 2016.| Click here for local PDF.

Caraballo Cueto, José  and Juan Lara, From Deindustrialization to Unsustainable Debt: The Case of Puerto Rico (2016),

Caraballo Cueto, José and Juan Lara. 2018. Deindustrialization to Unsustainable Debt in Middle Income Countries: The Case of Puerto Rico Journal of Globalization and Development, vol 8, no. 2 (2018), pp. 1-11. | Click here for local PDF.

Caraballo Cueto, José. Ekonometrika. The employment and output impact of the 2012 Acts 20, 22, and 273 (2021???)

CENTRO JOURNAL OF THE CENTER FOR PUERTO RICAN STUDIES FALL 2018 CENTRO Journal | Fall 2018 | volume xxx | number iii Puerto Rico Post-Hurricane Maria: Origins and Consequences of a Crisis

Congressional Research Service sobre la reestructuración de la deuda de PR que te mencione. No lo he leído completo:

Congressional Research Service. 2016. Puerto Rico's Current Fiscal Challenges. June 3, 2016.

Congressional Research Service. 2021. Puerto Rico's Public Debts: Accumulation and Restructuring. May 18, 2021

Cordero, Héctor. 2015. . Critique of Krueger Report. Draft.

Dennis, Abner and Kevin Connor Debt Island, CADTM Jan 30, 2019

Dennis, Abner and Kevin Connor, The Confina Agreement Part II, Dec 3, 2018

Dennis, Abner, and Kevin Connor The Cofina agreement, Part I, CADTM Jan 30, 2019, CADTM Dec 3, 2019

Echenique, Martin and Luis Melgar. Mapping Puerto Rico's Hurricane Migration with Mobile Phone Data. CityLab. ( , Accessed Saturday, May 19, 2018.

Estudios Ténicos Inc. Estudio Sobre Leyes 20 y 22. 2021???.

Feliciano , Zadia M., "IRS Section 936 and the Decline of Puerto Rico's Manufacturing," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 30-42.

Gluzmann, Pablo A., Martin M. Guzman, Joseph E. Stiglitz. 2018. An Analysis of Puerto Rico's Debt Relief Needs to Restore Credit Sustainability, NBER Working Paper Series (November, 2018). | Click here lof local PDF.

Gluzmann, Pablo A., Martin M. Guzman, Joseph E. Stiglitz. AN ANALYSIS OF PUERTO RICO'S DEBT RELIEF NEEDS TO RESTORE DEBT SUSTAINABILITY, NBER Working Paper Series (November, 2018) (

Gluzmann, Pablo, Martin Guzman and Joseph E. Stiglitz , "An Analysis of Puerto Rico's Debt Relief Needs to Restore Debt Sustainability," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 104-146.

Hinojosa , Jennifer, "Two Sides of the Coin of Puerto Rican Migration: Depopulation in Puerto Rico and the Revival of the Diaspora," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 230-253.

Joel Cintrón Arbasetti , Carla Minet , Alex V. Hernandez , Jessica Stites, Centro de Periodismo Investigativo de Puerto Rico (CPIPR). 2018. Who Owns Puerto Rico's Debt, Exactly? We've Tracked Down 10 of the Biggest Vulture Firms (In These Times and CADTM) | Click here for local PDF.

Junta de Planificación, Oficina del Gobernador, Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Informe Económico Al Gobernador 2010, Apéndice estadístico . (San Juan: Puerto Rico Planning Board, 2010

Junta de Planificación, Oficina del Gobernador, Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Informe Económico Al Gobernador 2013, Apéndice estadístico . (San Juan: Puerto Rico Planning Board, 2013).

Junta de Planificación, Oficina del Gobernador, Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Informe Económico Al Gobernador 2017. (San Juan: Puerto Rico Planning Board, 2017).

Junta de Planificación. 2010. , Oficina del Gobernador, Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Informe Económico Al Gobernador 2010, Apéndice estadístico . (San Juan: Puerto Rico Planning Board, 2010).

Junta de Planificación. 2017. Oficina del Gobernador, Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Informe Económico Al Gobernador 2017 . (San Juan: Puerto Rico Planning Board, 2017).

Kobre & Kim, The Financial Oversight & Managemebt board for Puerto Rico Independent Investigator: Final Investigative Report (Kobre & Kim LLP, August 20, 2018).

Kobre & Kim. 2018. The Financial Oversight & Managemebt board for Puerto Rico Independent Investigator: Final Investigative Report (Kobre & Kim LLP, August 20, 2018).

Meléndez, Edwin and Charles R. Venator-Santiago , "Introduction to Puerto Rico Post-Maria: Origins and Consequences of a Crisis," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 5-29.

Meléndez, Edwin and Jennifer Hinojosa. 2018. The Housing Crisis in Puerto Rico and the Impact of Hurricane María.

Meléndez, Edwin, "Post Disaster Recovery in Puerto Rico and Local Participation," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 32(3), (Fall 2020 ): 4-38..

Meléndez, Edwin, "Puerto Rico Housing and Development Industry's Capacity for Disaster Recovery," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies 32(3), (Fall 2020 ): 118-156..

Meléndez, Edwin, "The Economics of PROMESA," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 72-103.

Meléndez, Edwin, "The Politics of PROMESA," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 43-71.

Mora, Marie T. , Alberto Dávila and Havidán Rodríguez , "Migration, Geographic Destinations, and Socioeconomic Outcomes of Puerto Ricans during La Crisis Boricua : Implications for Island and Stateside Communities Post-Maria," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018): 208-229.

Morales, Ed. 2016. Who is Responsible for Puerto Rico's Debt? The Nation, Jun. 7, 2016.

O'Neill-Carrillo, Efraín and Miguel A. Rivera-Quiñones , "Energy Policies in Puerto Rico and their Impact on the Likelihood of a Resilient and Sustainable Electric Power Infrastructure," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 147-171.

Rucker, Robert S. 2018. Puerto Rico Oversight Board includes arbitrary Act 154 assumptions in fiscal plan. Bond Buyer. Dec 5, 2018. | Click here for local copy.

Stiglitz, Joseph E; Medish, Mark. 2015. What the United States Owes Puerto Rico. Wall Street Journal. Aug. 14, 2015. | Click here for local PDF.

Suárez, William II , "Cabotage as an External Non-tariff Measure on the Competitiveness on SIDS's Agribusinesses: The Case of Puerto Rico," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 172-207.

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis & Joel Cintrón ArbasettiLa vista de COFINA desde adentro y desde afuera, Jan 25, 2019.

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis,  Puerto Rico announces deal to restructure power authority debt, Reuters, May 3, 2019.

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis, CPI demanda al Gobierno para obtener planes de implementación entregados a la junta.

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis, Reuters Articles

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis,Puerto Rico board hits Wall Street banks, bondholders with lawsuits,  Reuters, May 2, 2019.

Valentin-CPI demanda al Gobierno.pdf

Vargas-Ramos , Carlos, "Political Crisis, Migration and Electoral Behavior in Puerto Rico," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 279-312.

Venator Santiago, Charles R., "Territorial Incorporation: A Note on the History of Terr itorial Incorporation Bills for Puerto Rico, 1898-2017," CENTRO, Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies , 30(3), (Fall 2018 ): 313-331.


Gráficas y Enlaces


Empleo en la Manufactura en Puerto Rico 2022. (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis) | Local Copy of Graph

GDP Per Capita and Other Tables--St. Louis Fed

World Input-Output Database-- University of Groningen


Abner Dennis

Si quieres revisar artículos anteriores, casi todos sobre la deuda, aquí están lo que he publicado para LittleSis :

Este articulo lo publiqué en marzo luego de que la Junta radicara su plan de ajuste. Creo que lo más importante es mi hallazgo de que en realidad al comparar los diferentes acuerdos y planes de ajuste, el repago a los fondos buitre no ha cambiado en términos absolutos, sino que el único cambio son los términos de los pagos (cuanta deuda nueva y cuanto efectivo):

Wste informe lo publiqué en agosto 2020. Es mi más completo análisis de las tácticas utilizadas por los fondos buitre en la negociación de la deuda del gobierno central:


El Public Accountability Initiative es la organización dueña de LittleSis (que en realidad es una base de datos con un blog). Además del anterior, he publicado otros dos informes que pueden accesar aquí:


COFINA Bibliografía

Caraballo Cueto, José  and Juan Lara, From Deindustrialization to Unsustainable Debt: The Case of Puerto Rico (2016),

Gluzmann, Pablo A., Martin M. Guzman, Joseph E. Stiglitz. AN ANALYSIS OF PUERTO RICO'S DEBT RELIEF NEEDS TO RESTORE DEBT SUSTAINABILITY, NBER Working Paper Series (November, 2018) (

Kobre & Kim, The Financial Oversight & Managemebt board for Puerto Rico Independent Investigator: Final Investigative Report (Kobre & Kim LLP, August 20, 2018).

Junta de Planificación, Oficina del Gobernador, Gobierno de Puerto Rico. Informe Económico Al Gobernador 2017. (San Juan: Puerto Rico Planning Board, 2017).

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis,  Puerto Rico announces deal to restructure power authority debt, Reuters, May 3, 2019.

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis,Puerto Rico board hits Wall Street banks, bondholders with lawsuits,  Reuters, May 2, 2019.

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis, Reuters Articles

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis, CPI demanda al Gobierno para obtener planes de implementación entregados a la junta.

Valentin-CPI demanda al Gobierno.pdf

Valéntín Ortiz, Luis & Joel Cintrón Arbasetti,  La vista de COFINA desde adentro y desde afuera, Jan 25, 2019.

Abner Dennis, Kevin Connor The Cofina agreement, Part I, CADTM Jan 30, 2019, CADTM Dec 3, 2019

Abner Dennis, Kevin Connor, The Confina Agreement Part II, Dec 3, 2018

Abner Dennis, Kevin Connor Debt Island, CADTM Jan 30, 2019

Bernabe, Rafael, El regimen de los acreedores y la crisis de la deuda: aspectos del contexto general y el caso de Puerto Rico (2014-2016). Revista Jurídica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico Rev. 85, Núm 3, June 13, 2016.